Pearl Pro Flute - P795VIGOREBR Vigore w Brezza Headjoint
Regular price $6,699.00 Sale price $5,029.00 Save $1,670.00Pearl Pro Flute - P795VIGOREBR Vigore w Brezza Headjoint
The Elegante series has consistently been one of Pearl's best selling instruments. The reasons: handmade workmanship, precise intonation, and a brilliant and projecting sound. This series has been in the Pearl line for over a decade and has provided countless flautists with unrivaled confidence.
The Vigore options for both the Elegante and Dolce series bring elements of handmade professional instruments into the mid-range budget. Vigore instruments offer 3K Gold lip, C# trill keys, B footjoint and D# roller all as standard-another industry first for Pearl.
The Brezza head joint cut is the newest addition to the Pearl 795 series and offers a more refined sound with sharper articulation and fullness of sound throughout the flute range.